What People Are Saying

“1st heard about Reigning Ragdolls about 5 years ago and got my 1st baby and it was the best decision ever! So 2 years later I got 2 more and I will be getting 2 more in a few months. Melissa is so easy to work with and she takes very good care of her babies and if you have any questions she’ll be more than happy to answer them. I am so happy with all my babies and would totally recommend Reigning Ragdolls!”

— Traci (Wisconsin)

We have had our little guy, Patrick (born on St. Patrick’s Day!) for two weeks now and he has been such a great addition! Thanks to his litter training early in life, he, with very little coaching by us, mastered the litter box immediately at our house and never had a single accident. He has such a snuggly and spicy personality. He loves to just Chill in his window hammock and nap, but will also play with toys with our kids and romp around with our two dogs. He adapted to our house quickly and really has been such an easy guy to add to the family. We adore him!


If you are even thinking of getting a Ragdoll, without hesitation, and a strong recommendation, call Melissa Krug.  The customer service she provided was beyond  outstanding. The strength of her knowledge, and the respectful patience  she modeled,  gave me confidence and security that I was in the best of hands with a true professional and loving human being.  Very importantly, the peace of mind that I possessed, as a result  of her diligent and mindful  efforts to keep me continually aware of the kittens' progress (via bi-weekly videos and growth and health updates throughout the long waiting time for the kitten to mature), I felt a part of the kittens' life even  before Melissa and her granddaughter she raises,  took the long journey from Wisconsin to California, to deliver our kitten and new family member.

Not once did she act inconvenienced by my endless questions. My high resistance to technology would have made the purchase impossible with any other breeder.  Melissa ended up trusting to receive full payment after they  delivered our new kitten, Zinedine,  all the way from Wisconsin to Carmel, Calif.  They stayed as my very welcomed guests. 

TRUST is near impossible to even recognize these days.  You cannot go looking for it.  You just need to recognize it when it is on your path for a purpose.  Melissa was on my path in my mission to find a RagDoll kitten as a companion for my granddaughter I raised.  Now..my granddaughter had her new kitty companion.. but I was blessed with a life-time friend.  

Wendy (California)